le groupe

We are always, as a group, very enthusiastic about welcoming new group members. If you are applying to work with us, as a master or PhD student, or as a postdoc, this page is made to help you discover before hand who we are and how we work. Then perhaps you will think better (yes, pun intended, get used to it).Mostly, this page is intended to present the group, but also to give you an idea of what to expect from me and from yourself. I hope your time here will be rewarding and fun.

I work on population dynamics for conservation biology and run the lab « Biodiversity Dynamics » with all the great people below.
ELSA BONNAUDAssistant Professor - Univ Paris Sud
Elsa works on invasive species. Her new project involves taking into account the effects of climate change on biological invasions.
Céline works on the impact of global changes on insular biodiversity. She applies macroecological concepts.
IVAN JARIĆChair Professor Junior
Ivan works on species extinctions and extinction risk assessments, biological invasions, social aspects of conservation science, and conservation culturomics and iEcology.
Eléna works on the biological invasions risks of intensive farming of arthropods in agriculture and aquaculture, with statistical and modelling approaches
UGO is a Postdoctoral Researcher from the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Germany, and in our group for one year. He focuses on the perception of charismatic species by the public, with an emphasis on wolves in Europe.
ANNE-LAURE DEVÈSIngénieure d'Études
Anne-Laure works as a fundraising manager, sponsorship administrator and philanthropy officer. She is helping put together grant applications and establish a portfolio of potentially interested funders. She is also helping for administrative duties such as workshop organisation.
GABRIEL KLIPPELIngénieur d'Ètude
Gabriel works on biological invasions, aiming at studying their extent through the quantification of the total biomass of invasive populations. He will work on setting up a global database and focus on a number of selected case studies.
Gabriel works on the economic costs and the ecological impacts of biological invasions within the InvaCost and InvaPact projects. He also works on project of culturomics and iEcology with his supervisor Ivan
Shengyu works on the spatialization of ecological impacts and economic costs of invasive alien social insects, such as ants, termites, hornets, wasps and bees. He is supervised by Ivan and Franck
Eugenia focuses on which biodiversity components underpin Nature’s non-material Contributions to People, associated with physical & psychological experiences, in Mt. Kilimanjaro. She is supervised by Ugo at Senkenberg
Laís works on the InvaPact programme, setting up a novel, unifying metric to quantify all types of ecological impacts of biological invasions. She is also involved in many projects in this programme, from quantifying impacts in protected areas to linking impact types and mechanisms.
After a PhD in bioinformatics for ecology and evolution, Sonia is working with us on biological invasions, focusing on the InvaPact program, for which she helps with the Artificial Intelligence aspects (LLMs) and the database creation and curation.
BRIAN LEUNGVisiting Professor
Brian Leung is Assoc. Prof. at McGill University, Canada. His research focuses on 1) large-scale ecological predictions, and 2) environmental decision-making, mostly with statistical tools, but also field based, in Panama.

les anciens collaborateurs

Anne Deredec

(PhD Student, then Postdoctoral Fellow). She worked on the interactions between parasitism and Allee effects. She is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Imperial College, London, UK.

Stéphane Caut

(PhD Student, then Postdoctoral Fellow). He worked on the impact of introduced rats on the trophic webs of Surprise Island, New Caledonia, blending field work and stable isotope analyses. He is now Postdoctoral fellow in Spain.

Leigh Bull

(Postdoctoral Fellow). She worked on the impact on introduced rats on French islands worldwide and on the anthropogenic Allee effect. She is now back in New-Zealand.

Philippe Rivalan

(Postdoctoral Fellow). He worked as a teaching postdoc (ATER) on the population dynamics of exploited species with emphasis on the international market of exotic species.

Elena Angulo

(Postdoctoral Fellow). She worked on Allee effects and their impact on carnivore populations (African wild dogs, Californian insular foxes), on trophic web interactions or the anthropogenic Allee effect. She is working at the CSIC in Doñana, Spain.

Richard Hall

(Postdoctoral Fellow). He worked on modelling the population dynamics of species subject to overexploitation taking into account particular forms of Allee effect. He is now Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia, USA.

Xim Cerda

(Invited Professor). He worked on ant community ecology, in particular in the context of biological invasions on islands. He is now back to the Spanish research institute, the CSIC of the Doñana Biological Station.

Agnès Gault

(Postdoctoral Fellow). She worked on the anthropogenic Allee effect in animal-based luxury products, in particular caviar. She now works at the CNRS Station Biologique de Roscoff.

Olivier Marquis

(Postdoctoral Fellow). He worked on the invasion biology of the bull frog as well as on the anthropogenic Allee effect in exotic pets. He is now curator for reptiles and amphibians in the Paris Zoo.

Gregory Rasmussen

(PhD Student). He worked on the ecology and conservation of African wild dogs, in co-supervision with the WildCRU of Oxford.

Donna Harris

(Postdoctoral Fellow). She worked on the impact of introduced rodents on insular ecosystem and set up a database of French islands overseas. She is now doing a postdoc in Australia.

Stephen Gregory

(PhD Student). He worked as a PhD student on empirical evidence and optimal detection of demographic Allee effects. He is now working at the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust in the UK.

E.J. Milner-Gulland

(Invited Professor). She worked, among other things, on different mathematical models for the conservation of exploited species.

Elsa Bonnaud

(Postdoctoral Fellow). Elsa did a teaching Postdoc (ATER) on the recovery of bird populations after eradication of alien invasive predators from islands, with the example of Surprise Island, New Caledonia. She now has a permanent position in our group.

Yuya Watari

(Postdoctoral Fellow). He worked on the recovery of communities that have been freed of invasive species, with the example of the now rat free Surprise Island, off New Caledonia. He now works at the Japan Forest Technology Association, in Tokyo, Japan

Amaury Avril

(Post-Master student). He worked on competitive relationships between seven species of invasive ants, with experimental approaches. He was supervised by Cleo Bertlesmeier and he is now doing a PhD in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Justine Phillippon

(Post-Master student). She worked on Allee effects in primates with a statistical approach. She was supervised by Carmen.

Lucille Palazy

(PhD Student). Lucille worked on the impact of the anthropogenic Allee effect in the market of trophy hunting, in co-supervision with the University of Lyons. She is now working in a consulting company in South Africa

Carmen Bessa-Gomes

(Assistant Professor – AgroParisTech). Carmen worked with us on the links between population dynamics and social systems, and in particular on Allee effects in vultures and in primates. She has now set up her own research group.

Ben Hoffmann

(Invited Professor). Ben’s research focuses on the invasive ecology and management of pest ants, and the disturbance ecology of native ant communities and their use as bio-indicators in land management. He is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences in Darwin, Australia.

James Russell

(Invited Professor). James is a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, New-Zealand. He is interested in a variety of population and behavioural ecology questions and their application to conservation, among which the ecology of invasive rats on islands

Cleo Bertelsmeier

(PhD student). She worked on the effect of climate change on biological invasions of ants, combining modelling, experiences and data analyses. She is now a postdoc in Switzerland.

Liana Joseph

(Postdoctoral Fellow). She worked on the preference for wild vs farmed species in the wildlife trade and its implication for the conservation in exploited species. This was a co-supervision with the Wildlife Conservation Society in New York, where she spent most of her time.

Amélie Lootvoet

(PhD Student). She is finishing her PhD on the impacts of group living on primate population dynamic and extinction risk, under the supervision of Carmen Bessa-Gomes, in her new group.

Alok Bang

(Post-Doctoral Fellow). He worked on the relationships between interspecific competition and Allee effects, with an experimental approach on ants.

Noelia González Muñoz

(Visting Postdoc). She worked on the distribution of an invasive tree, Miconia calvescens, currently and with climate change.

Josh Donlan

(Invited Professor). Josh is the Founder and Director of Advanced Conservation Strategies, a Fellow in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University, USA. He works in Conservation Biology and in particular on alien invasive species.

Boris Leroy

(Post-Doctoral Fellow). He worked on species distribution models of invasive insects, and the effect climate change can have on their various costs to the society. He now has a permanent position as an Assistant Professor at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle of Paris.

Olivier Blight

(Postdoc). Olivier worked on the invasive ants in the context of climate change. He now has a permanent position as an Assistant Professor in Avignon.

Corey Bradshaw

(Visiting Professor). Corey is a conservation biologist interested in countless, diverse topics and very active both scientificaly and in communication. During his sabbatical time here, he collaborates to several of my projects, including the economic costs of invasive insects, the impact of feral cats on vertebrate populations worldwide, the importance of charismatic species in conservation and the establishment of a list of papers of major importance in ecology. His web site is here.

Ivan Jarić

(Visiting Postdoc). Ivan works on the anthropogenic Allee effect in sturgeons, on the diverses types of biases of scientific studies on biodiversity and on charismatic species. He is visiting from the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany.

Céline Bellard

(PhD student – Postdoc). Céline used to work on the impact of climate change on insular biodiversity. She finished her thesis, and then is a postdoc at the University City of London, and then another one at the MNHN in Paris. If you’d followed, you’d have noticed that she has now brilliantly got a permanent position in our group. Yeah :-).

Céline Albert

(Research Assisant). Céline used data mining and statistical analyses. She worked on the project Invacost, which aims to estimate the economic costs of invasive insects. She also works on a project on charismatic species, and helped in a number of other projects. Her web site is here. She is currently doing a PhD Thesis in La Rochelle.

Delphine Ducros

(Research Assisant). Delphine worked on the impact of feral cats on continental prey worldwide, combining literature synthesis, dataset analyses and population dynamics modelling. She also worked on the impact of climate change on biological invasions, through a systematic review and data analysis. She is now doing a PhD thesis in Toulouse.

Nicolas Plantey

(Communication Officer). Nicolas had a very special job in our group, and one that is quite rare in academics in France: he communicated our research results, mostly by writing press releases for some of our most interesting scientific articles. He also maintained the Invacost webpage, and communicates for our Insignificant (motion design) project. He is now Communication Officer for INRA.

Gloria Luque

(CNRS Research Engineer). Gloria was specialised in ant ecology, from lab experiments to statistical analyses. She is now working at Advanced Conservation Strategies.

Morgane Barbet-Massin

(Postdoc). She worked on the distribution of invasive insects following climate change, and the associated costs (ecological, economic, epidemiological). She is now working in the private sector. Her personal web site is here.

Pauline Palmas

(PhD student). Pauline worked on the impact of invasive mammals on island biodiversity, with the example of feral cats in New Caledonia. She was co-supervised by Elsa in our group and by Eric Vidal at the IRD of Nouméa.

Irene Castañeda González

(PhD student). Irene works on the impact of two interacting predators, foxes and feral cats in different (and changing) environments. She is supervised by Elsa.

Alice Fournier

(PhD student). Alice works on the impact of invasive insects on domestic bees and pollination. She will mostly do modelling, a bit of experimental approaches and will include economics in her projects.


Diane Zarzoso-Lacoste

(Postdoc). Diane studied the top-down effects of anthropogenic disturbances of competing top-predators relationships on trophib networks via field work, bench work and mathematical modelling. She was supervised by Elsa Bonnaud.

Marion Cordonnier

(Research Engineer). Marion worked on competition in invasive ants, mostly with experimental approaches. She also helped the teams with various tasks, from supervision to workshop organization.

Camille Leclerc

Camille Leclerc

(PhD student). Camille worked on the effects of global changes on biodiversity, mostly on insular ecosystems, through macroecological approaches.
She was co-supervised by Franck Courchamp and (mostly) by Céline Bellard.

Christophe Diagne

Christophe Diagne

(Postdoc). Christophe worked on InvaCost, the database on the global economic costs of alien invasive species, for all taxa, all biomes, all markets. He worked on many projects of this InvaCost database. Christophe has an expertise on parasitology and invasion biology and is now researcher at the IRD in Montpellier.

Elena Angulo

(Postdoc). Elena worked on biological invasions on different projects, including the perception of stakeholders, but mostly on InvaCost, the global database on economic costs of biological invasions. She is very experienced in invasive ant ecology and now has a researcher position at the CSIC in Doñana, Spain

Anna Turbelin

(Postdoc). Anna worked on biological invasions, global trade and legal frameworks at the macro-ecological scale. She was also interested in studying impact similarities between biological invasions and natural hazards. She now has a researcher position at Natural Resources Canada

Chunlong Liu

(Postdoc). Chunlong focused on understanding the mechanisms for successful invasions of non-native species, predicting their potential distributions, among other things. He is an expert of invasive fishes and now has a position at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Céline Albert

(Research Engineer). Before her PhD (on the effects of pollution on seabird colonies in the Arctic), Céline worked with us on several projects, among which the InvaCost and Charismatic species projects. She is now back to work on arctic seabird ecology in Norway as a postdoc.

Clotilde Pérot-Guillaume

(Technician). Clotilde worked with us 25% of her time, and with two other teams. With us, she helps on the field with the monitoring of mammalian predators and their preys. She is now back to her university studies.

Jelena Knežević Jarić

(Study Engineer). Jelena had a wide expertise, from field work on vertebrates to molecular lab work. She helped us mostly on predator ecology and is now working in the same lab, in the DEEM research group.

Tom Evans

(Postdoc). Tom was interested in identifying and trying to solve problems associated with the conservation of wildlife. He is an expert on invasive bird macroecology and worked on assessing the economic costs of invasive birds within the InvaCost project

Anne-Claire Maurice

(Postdoc). Anne-Claire studied humans-nature(s) relationships, particularly in peri-urban areas, using socio-anthropology and psychology. She worked on perceptions and practices regarding feral cats and red foxes under the supervision of Elsa Bonnaud.

Thomas Hughes

(Postdoc). Thomas was interested in ecological and community genetics especially in areas of the world with high levels of diversity. He worked on method development of metabarcoding strategies, attempting to reduce noise and cost in the datasets produced, on the overlapping diets of feral cats and red foxes, under the supervision of Elsa Bonnaud.

Camille Bernery

(PhD Student). Camille worked on better characterizing the ecological profile of freshwater invasive fish worldwide, with statistical modelling. Camille was co-supervised by Céline Bellard, Boris Leroy (MNHN Paris) and Franck Courchamp. She is now working at IUCN France.

Léo Lusardi

(PhD student). Léo worked on the interactions between two top predators in anthropized habitats, feral cats and red foxes. He mixed field work, data analyses and mathematical models, and was supervised by Elsa Bonnaud

Clara Marino

(PhD Student). Clara aimed to understand the consequences of biological invasions on terrestrial vertebrates in a context of climate change. She used statistical modelling at a macro-ecological scale, under the supervision of Céline Bellard. She is now a postdoc at the CESAB in Montpellier

Martin Philippe

(PhD Student). Martin worked on the ecological consequences of mesopredators and positive or negative impacts on ecosystems. He focused on the domestic cat and the red fox at local and global scales and was supervised by Elsa Bonnaud. He is now doing a postdoc in Spain.